Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Losing Grip

Hitting those days!

I have found myself in the last couple of months hitting those goals I have set for myself just to realize the next month I'm loosing momentum. 

I've had to find other alternatives for me to keep moving. I'm still loosing inches but not so much of the weight in pounds that I'm so use to looking at when I step on the scale. I know for some that can be discouraging to not see such a dramatic lost on the scale but trust and believe it is all working for your favor. 

I can tell when I put on that favorite new little outfit I have bought and now it has gotten even bigger on me that it is working for my good! 

Stay encouraged because this is only the beginning of a newer you than before! 

I'm loving the New Me and Everything attached to me! 

I'm going to keep on Moving into the Winning Life! 

Special Accolades

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