Monday, November 5, 2018


FOR 2019! 

October 1, 2018  I had a cardiac episode!  Yes, that is correct I had a issue with my heart! But I give God the Glory and ALL the PRAISE! 

I didn't see that coming at all but I hadn't manage my stress in my life correctly especially during the end of the school year and all of the summer. I didn't go walking because I had went through a period of uncertainty and had a lot of question about something that devastated me and it rocked me to my core! 

I'm 100% better with Therapy and now I have a better focus on what is really going on and I'm not afraid of talking about my feelings or my emotions that caused me to be knocked off my feet! 

Okay, What does that mean for 2019? It Means that I'm strong enough to get back in the game. I heard from a Retired WNBA Marie Ferdinand -Harris in an alternative conference workshop she said, "When you are sitting on the bench that your head should always be in the game!"  That message was so profound to me and she was so correct. 

I had allowed the distraction of what life brought me to get my head out of the game, Although right now I'm weighing roughly 264 pounds, and I have gained about 40 pounds of my lowest weight loss, I have made myself a promise to get back down with a projected date of May. 

I have also considered weight loss surgery because I need to keep this off and my support system is being very supportive so I hope while I'm waiting that I can do this by March and I will be all the way down my target weight loss by the summer! 

I have to get under 200 pounds! 

You are going on the Journey with Me Once again! 

The Winning Life is Back! 

Wish Me Luck! 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...