Sunday, January 3, 2021

January 2021 HNY

Here I am once again...telling my story about my weight loss and I'm more determined now to keep it off because of my health.
Let me say if you're reading this is my journey and if you see yourself wanted to do what I'm doing please consult your doctor, your medical professionals!
Now let's go! At the end of 2020, my stress once again had to overwhelm me that which caused my blood pressure to elevate 161/101 I was immediately taken off work and I have been on medication which if you know me I DO NOT like to be on medication. I decided that this year is going to be better and I was going to start right. I decided to get on the treadmill that was given to me by my mother which is not all that good but it is better than what I had which is nothing! 
I'm walking every day for 15 minutes my time is from 6:30 to 7:30 pm is the time I have allocated for myself. I started on January 1, 2021, and I must admit that I'm sleeping better and I noticed that my breathing is much better as well. 266 pounds is too much for my body to handle and it has to go right now so I'm saying goodbye to 66 pounds I will not stop now until I'm 200 pounds and keep it off. I have done well to keep my weight off from 380. I believe now that I have been 260 for so long that I know it is time for me once and for all!
The winning life continues God give me the strength the courage that I need to finish the project that you have given me!

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...