Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Catching Up

 April 9, 2024

Wow, where to begin... since my last accountability on my blog so many more things have happen that I failed to include in this journey of my life. I will try and make an attempt today to catch up on me and what has happened since January 16, 2024. 

First, I would like to thank God for allowing me to the opportunity to turn a year older. I think I have done well even with the weight loss and I'm pressing forward. I'm still doing what I need to do in order to make things possible. I'm still doing my insulin resistance but I can tell when the cheaper version of my medication wears off because now I'm hungry and the cravings are picking up and I'm having a hard time getting them under control. I literally bumped myself up by half of another injection in order to turn off the noise in February and I don't recommend unless consult with your doctor but I did and it worked for me. Now in April I decided to act right and the food noise is back and I feel as if I'm loosing the battle. I will see my doctor soon and hopefully I will be back on track. 

I would also like to add that in February I had a horrible sick spell wear I found out that I have GERD. I have to eat right and there is no way from getting around it and I don't ever want to feel that way ever again. I could literally feel the acid in my throat and it burned so badly. I guess that is why I didn't record  anything because I was so sick and I had to get myself together and that meant to change my way of eating all over again. I'm not sure if I'm doing it but a lot has changed. I fall off this wagon recently daily now that we are in April and I have to pull it together by May 14. 

At the current moment my eating habits include all high protein such as seafood, bacon, ham, oatmeal with fruit and raisins and last but not least collard greens. I am praying for light foods due to the GERD that makes me realize very quickly I have eaten the wrong thing. I have been craving sodas and everyone should know that they are truly bad for you but even though I have been doing coke and dr. pepper zero's I have found myself drinking cherry dr. pepper and it hasn't been a zero although they do make them. 

I also have found myself craving sweets such as cakes, and donuts mostly. I think when I started craving bread mainly biscuits from a particular establishment compliments of my husband I feel things going backwards and the food noise was initiated. 

I have to get the cholesterol down and keep my A1C also down and back to normal but it is going to take a lot of dedication and sacrifice if I'm going to make my deadline for graduation. 

I'm back to keep my record to help me hold myself accountable for my choices. I don't want to be a statistic so I will keep doing what I need to be doing to keep me from that fate. 

I would like to see all of my grand children and great-grand children in the future and I believe that I will be in good health, prosperous as I continue on this journey. 

I will continue and tell you about what else I have experience because it has been a life changing experience to me. 

I will tell you all about it in the next journal report of the winning life.                                                                                                                      

Special Accolades

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