Thursday, March 8, 2018


I have decided to change the way I've done things in the past.
My new thing is to Run ... I've finally put my trust back in myself
A little more. I've been really afraid but I believe I can do this
Wish me luck.... I have to loose this last 50 pounds.
I told you in past blogs I gained about 20 to 30 pounds because I got sick so now I check in with a beginning weight of of 250 pounds.
I haven't given up on my ultimate Goal and I'm so close but I have to                         Ramp it up a little more so
YES! ... I'm counting calories,YES! ... I've added weights to help with excess skin and YES! ...when it stops raining and gets warmer riding my bicycle.... I'm loving me in 2019                              
       The Winning Life is for ME!

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