Thursday, January 31, 2019

Welcome Back

Welcome back to the Winning Life Journey of 2019! 

When I published my last blog in October 2018, I was 264 pounds and I said what the heck and did it up BIG gaining approximately 15 pounds over the holiday especially Thanksgiving. I decided to eat whatever I wanted and by Christmas I could tell the difference. I must admit my body was letting me know everyday that I had over did it! 

I knew better but I didn't do any better and now it is costing me big time!  

I've been back to the doctor to work on a goal for 2019 and NOW I have a PLAN! 

In my past experience you always need to start off with a plan of action. When I didn't plan I failed and that wasn't good for my health. 

Get you a PLAN! 

I'm going to share my plan with you! 

I'm on a 1,200 calorie diet - high protein, low carbs diet, I have never been a sugar queen so this will not affect me about the sugar, no soda's. 

I'm also watching my portion as well and I find myself  measuring out my food and meal prepping the day or night before to make sure I have the correct amount of food to eat day to day. 

I can see its already working because my stomach is shrinking and I'm getting fuller quicker than in time past and I'm super excited about that! 

I workout daily 10,000/11,500 or 5 miles a day! 

I have a friend girl that comes along with me for now! 
She is happy because she too is seeing some difference in her goals that she has started for herself. 

Now Don't Procrastinate ................Get Your Plan Today! ...................Stick to It!!!!!!!!!!

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!




Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...