Monday, September 25, 2023

Measuring Up

Measuring Up

When I took this picture I was most likely 222 or 219. I truly couldn't believe that I was almost there but life happened and I struggled the next couple of weeks because I had a really good friend and later on in the month my uncle passed away. 
I realized that retail therapy is not a good thing for me to do when I'm dealing with things of this nature. 
I must admit that eating my way into a situation is not good therapy either. 
I will report, that I did okay, I must admit I did better than okay I have lost some more weight. 

I have learned, that life will bring you some ups and downs and although I loved each of the people that have passed away, I still want to live a very long life. 

I will remember their smiles, our talks and most of all 

I love you and I will continue to make you proud, this is for the both of you!! 

Here is to the Winning Life that Continues 


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