Wednesday, September 30, 2020


         Roller-Coaster Ride

 Why haven't I lost any weight this year in 2020, I know one reason is because in January when I thought I was going to get back on track, I had a death that was close to me. The man that I was married to and gave two children died and I went into a depression stage while trying to play a role that I was strong. I was upset, sad, because I was suppose to be celebrating my wedding anniversary, an accomplishment award from my job and last but not least my birthday all of it ended, canceled with one phone call. I went into mother mode to protect my young adult children and making sure they were alright that I immediately put me on the back burner instead making sure we all went through the death process together so when they all left and went back home that I was alright too, but again that didn't happen. 

I began emotionally eating, not caring about what I ate and when I ate it. All of my goals throughout the years where out the window and you know what I didn't even care. Some of you would say, "You were grieving, You were doing the best you could!" I do understand but I should have been able to shake it off faster but I thank God for my husband because he could see that I was having issues and he help me through it and saying good bye to my past freed me and I can say "I'm FREE!" 

MARCH came in 2020 as a MARCH 

A Virus that came in and many say that it was in the United States way back in January but it was in many cities it was killing their love ones. We shut down mostly everything and I was home. I can't believe we are home and I hadn't been feeling well at all and I went to the doctor to find out that I had a sinus infection and it put me in the bed for about three months and I wasn't able to do basic function because my allergies were so horrible. I couldn't hold my head up without my head swimming, my ears hurt, my throat was almost raw. Most of my coworkers had the flu and we had shut down for that prior to the COVID19 action that was taken by our governor. I went to the doctor almost two time in a month, sometimes every week...I even went to specialist to receive a pill that was suppose to be for migraines but that wasn't what was wrong with me ...I took one pill and my brain felt like a blooming onion and I immediately stop taking it and began to Pray to my heavenly Father asking him to heal me and he did and by May 2020, I was healed. I had four rounds of antibiotics and four rounds of steroids and I gained thirty pounds although the doctor was pleased to see that I didn't gain more and I couldn't be more pleased. 

I know you have heard, "April Showers brings May Flowers" and it does do that but my allergies from outside wasn't going to let me out my house. I went for a walk around the block in my neighborhood and the next day I my eyes were pink so now I'm putting allergy eye drops in my eyes and I wasn't able to go outside and walk and enjoy the good outdoors. I began trying to figure out what kind of exercises I could do indoors but none of them was something that I really wanted to do because I love being outside but outside wasn't loving me back. I just tried to walk around in the house and if we went out of town I made sure that I could walk long distances from my vehicle to the building I was going too. 

May came and I finally went outside but I was limited to just my home and no where else unless I was driving and I was so happy to be driving that I was some of everywhere for several months. 

June & July was still the same ole same o' thing because now we are wearing mask and I have been making them since March and I found myself enjoying making mask. I got comfortable about being home and sewing. I've made more than 1000 and just giving them away to people young and old. The end of July, I was alerted to the knowing that I will be going back to work in August. I can't believe it when we don't have a vaccine and I'm around people that everyone will be telling everyone to put their mask on over their nose and mouth most of the day. I kinda laugh about it when a friend-girl sent me a cartoon article, how we would look after the first few months of being back. 

I have so many mask to make now and get ready for every little person I see and especially on the big yellow. 

August 2020 comes in with a BANG! 

I wasn't ready for what I was going to have to deal with and not really understanding or not knowing if I would return but unfortunately I did! I don't live in "FEAR" but I do have knowledge of how viruses operate and it's important to have your mask on and do all of the precautions that have been given as directives. I don't feel that were I'm working is doing its best to keep things sanitized properly. I do believe that if we had more people sanitizing that I would be more comfortable about my time on my job... Can you say STRESSFUL! 

This is some of the reason why my weight wasn't doing well, but I'm getting back on it!

 Do you think I can let me know, what you think? 

Thanks for hanging out with me today! 

The Winning Life 2k2k 

How to Explain






Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...