Sunday, December 20, 2020

December 2020

December 2020 

I am aware that 2020 has made a precedent mark in history and it has changed that way we do life as usual. First, we have a Pandemic called COVID-19 or the Coronavirus and it has taken the lives of over 300,000 plus and as of the end of this year the number is still rising... Although, we have two approved vaccines that has just been approved by the CDC & approved by the FDA. 

People has become tired of not masking up and it has become were people thinks and their behaviors has caused a big riff because it has been politicized by our current president Donald Trump and his followers that would be the Republican Party. He lost to President Elect Joe Biden in the November Election but has refused to give it up but on last week the Electoral College made it official that he would be the 47th President of the United States. 

I have plans to take the vaccine when it becomes available to educators, I'm ready to go back to work without being cautious about contracting the virus. I have been blessed along with my family not to have contracted it as far as we are aware of. 

I'm pinning this in my blog because it is important to me because my health is in need of a upgrade because we have been inside so much and I haven't exercised like I should have because of the unknowns about the virus. 

My job and the risk-factors of young children and teenagers giving it to me and I bring it home to my family that have a lot of the risk factors has caused my stress levels to raise my blood pressure and now I must get it down. I have to make sure the stress in my life stay extremely low. 

I'm off work until January 2021 so I pray that I maintain and keep everything under physician care until I can get back to some sense of normalcy...I will continue to pray and believe God for the Miracles in my life that are to come forth. 

I'm encouraged that I have "The Winning Life!"  

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...