Thursday, December 8, 2022

Getting Closer December 2022

I'm reminded of what the new me will look like. Today 5 months into my Mounjaro journey I am officially 35 pounds lighter. I finally started having some but very brief symptoms of constipation but an apple, a day to keep the doctor away, and an increase in my green veggies was what I needed to get back on track. I am at 265 and I will start my new 12.5 mg shot next week. I'm drinking plenty of water because sometimes I am very dry or thirsty. It doesn't appear that I will make 50/50 but I'm going to work extra hard over the next several weeks to drop another 15 pounds. I believe if I increase the workouts it could work. We will see if I'm correct I will let you know in 2023.
See you soon the winning life is still pursuing get dreams of a healthier life.

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