Monday, September 25, 2023

Long Ago

Long Ago ...
I look like the woman in this picture...
 I remember when I took the picture and I can't believe that this picture was found in the arsenal of the many pictures and I couldn't believe it was even there.
I was happy and was enjoying life but my health sucked, I was on blood pressure medication and I couldn't even walk half a mile, I couldn't even walk to the end of the driveway.  
I tried with some support but ended up in the hospital for several hours because my body was not ready for that reality. I began pursuing learning what I needed to do to fight for my life.  
It has taken me many years to get to the person you see in front of you and I didn't give up I want you to continue to put one foot in front of the other and keep moving to the life that continues to Win! 

Measuring Up

Measuring Up

When I took this picture I was most likely 222 or 219. I truly couldn't believe that I was almost there but life happened and I struggled the next couple of weeks because I had a really good friend and later on in the month my uncle passed away. 
I realized that retail therapy is not a good thing for me to do when I'm dealing with things of this nature. 
I must admit that eating my way into a situation is not good therapy either. 
I will report, that I did okay, I must admit I did better than okay I have lost some more weight. 

I have learned, that life will bring you some ups and downs and although I loved each of the people that have passed away, I still want to live a very long life. 

I will remember their smiles, our talks and most of all 

I love you and I will continue to make you proud, this is for the both of you!! 

Here is to the Winning Life that Continues 


Friday, September 15, 2023

The Next Level

 The Next Level

I have many questions in my head, I can't believe that I am literally starring my ultimate weight loss numbers in my face. 

I went to see my doctor a couple of weeks ago and I was asked that question what is the end game because I weighed in at 219...

What a blessing it is to be able to achieve such a wonderful gift that I have been graciously given. I know that losing weight is hard work and it is a struggle for the strongest person everyday. 

I don't take this lightly because it only takes one thing, to push a person back to were they where at first. 

I can say that I would like to lose 30 more pounds and I will be done and I believe that will put me at 187, but in actuality I'm tall, and I think 20 more to go is more realistic for me. 

Here is to the next level... 

The Winning Life Continues Stronger  

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...