Friday, November 10, 2023



Recently, I have been traveling outside my norms. It is always good to get a change of scenery or test the waters to see if things are improving or worse in our world. 

I feel a certain way in my life in the late 50s era that continues to be a constant no matter my upbringing. I would not see things this way, but it is ever-present. I was born in the Delta Region and have seen the small-town syndrome. 

What is that you ask? 

1. People in the town only stick to the people and families they have known for life and do not want outsiders in the mix. 

2. It is hard to get ahead in those places because they hire those they are familiar with before they hire outside of their race, or they will place someone in other places who maybe have some or really no experience in that department but tell you they are qualified for the position. When you are aware that they're not. 

3. You could get hired, but they only give you enough time to pay a few bills but nothing that is substantial for a real quality of life. 

You can do everything to be professional and make others feel valued and respected, look the part, and make things better for the department because God has gifted you for most tasks. 

They can tell you that you are valued, but when the rubber meets the road, it is not true, and they begin to make up all kinds of excuses in order to keep you in a place. They might even give you things or tips to make you feel that that makes a difference, but it doesn't. 

I'm trying very hard to stay positive, but I'm continuing with my plans for my life because I believe that God is guiding my FOOTSTEPS to BETTER. 

I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed begging bread ... 

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