Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Stress


Stress comes in so many forms into our lives such as our jobs are a stressful due to deadlines. 

Most of All I found that I use to EAT! 

I've heard that it is called comfort foods! I don't know if that is true or not but my truth is that I found myself eating Pistachio Almond ice cream when I felt lonely or sorrowful about something.

Lots of Pasta's was also a common food for my diet! 

I Now do the opposite! I walk and do other constructive and positive things such as go over and sit with elderly people and listen to them talk about the good ole days and offer a helping hand or some assistance.
Visit the Sick and offer to just listen and maybe we would have a word of Prayer.
Walk the Track but not stop at a fast food restaurant to feed my stress. 

Remember to Eat Healthy Make Good Choices concerning your Health!
Look toward 
The Winning Life

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Encouraging Yourself


I realize their are a lot of people cheering for me and I'm trying hard to embrace the change.
I can't see what everyone else see's when they look at me!
and I look at myself!  

I'm having to encourage myself! 

I'm really hard on myself, I have learned through this weight lose journey, that I can't wait on anyone but myself. 

There are plenty of people that have started with me but they gave up and Quit! 
I can't seem to give up on something that is going to benefit me in the end! 


So, if you find yourself where you can't seem to get moving because you started with a group of peers or family and they have stopped! 

Now, You get up and get moving! KEEP PUSHING! 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Embrace the change 2016

Embrace the Change 

I also notice that certain pasta's made me drowsy and very sleepy, later to realize that it wasn't a whole food and it had side effects for me. 

Are you noticing your side effects? are you sluggish, tired maybe you're moody check to see if your foods contain any of these items. 

1. Refined Carbohydrates
2. Sugar
3. Artificial Sweeteners
4. Trans Fats
5. Processed Foods 

I'm beginning to find that a lot of things I use to do I can't really do them anymore. Certain foods with MSG's make me sick to my stomach. It will be different for each individual but continue to watch.

Walking and eating the right portion sizes is helping me to melt down to the proper size for my height and its keeping me heart healthy! 

I Encourage you to keep moving and eating the healthy things and always watch for the side effects of your food! 

The WINNING LIFE belongs to You!  

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...