Friday, February 3, 2017

Embrace the change 2016

Embrace the Change 

I also notice that certain pasta's made me drowsy and very sleepy, later to realize that it wasn't a whole food and it had side effects for me. 

Are you noticing your side effects? are you sluggish, tired maybe you're moody check to see if your foods contain any of these items. 

1. Refined Carbohydrates
2. Sugar
3. Artificial Sweeteners
4. Trans Fats
5. Processed Foods 

I'm beginning to find that a lot of things I use to do I can't really do them anymore. Certain foods with MSG's make me sick to my stomach. It will be different for each individual but continue to watch.

Walking and eating the right portion sizes is helping me to melt down to the proper size for my height and its keeping me heart healthy! 

I Encourage you to keep moving and eating the healthy things and always watch for the side effects of your food! 

The WINNING LIFE belongs to You!  

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