Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The Stress


Stress comes in so many forms into our lives such as our jobs are a stressful due to deadlines. 

Most of All I found that I use to EAT! 

I've heard that it is called comfort foods! I don't know if that is true or not but my truth is that I found myself eating Pistachio Almond ice cream when I felt lonely or sorrowful about something.

Lots of Pasta's was also a common food for my diet! 

I Now do the opposite! I walk and do other constructive and positive things such as go over and sit with elderly people and listen to them talk about the good ole days and offer a helping hand or some assistance.
Visit the Sick and offer to just listen and maybe we would have a word of Prayer.
Walk the Track but not stop at a fast food restaurant to feed my stress. 

Remember to Eat Healthy Make Good Choices concerning your Health!
Look toward 
The Winning Life

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