Monday, March 6, 2017

Staying True to Yourself March 2017

True to Your Commitment 

I'm still making progress, how about you? 

I wasn't aware that I was still making progress until this week. 
I wasn't aware until I tried on a outfit that was tucked away in the back of my closet. 
I had No idea that I could possibly wear this outfit because in the past it was tight on my arms.
Once, I tried it on and the arms were so loose on me I went again to the tape measure to see how many inches I had lost. 

For the sake of this post I'm now a complete 16 in most of my clothing I  No longer need the plus size 16W because even my hips and thighs have shrank. 
I'm so excited because I thought I had lost the battle but I'm winning the War! 

Honestly, I hadn't moved as much because I have been sick or under the weather but I know that now that I'm feeling better I must stay true to my commitment as living a healthier lifestyle. 

Just Keep Moving although you can't see the result at that moment but the Reward is Great! 

The Winning Life Continues Stronger and Better Before! 

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