Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My New Spring Life

Spring into something New! 

I'm feeling so rejuvenated now that Spring has finally come into play! 

Something New for me was a new pair of walking sneakers! 

What is your something new in your gift to yourself in walking divine health?

If you took a break like most people or just kinda slowed around and not hit your daily goal 

Now is your time to get it started again! 

Most of all if you are bouncing back strong ..... Awesome!

If you are just starting back remember to move into your daily workout or walking slow increasing everyday or at the end of each week. 

You must start strong so you will not crash! 

I thought I had lost it but I could see that by the 3rd day I was back to my normal and increasing daily! 

You can get it done! 

Now lets get moving!

Move those Feet! 

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