Wednesday, March 29, 2017

My New Spring Life

Spring into something New! 

I'm feeling so rejuvenated now that Spring has finally come into play! 

Something New for me was a new pair of walking sneakers! 

What is your something new in your gift to yourself in walking divine health?

If you took a break like most people or just kinda slowed around and not hit your daily goal 

Now is your time to get it started again! 

Most of all if you are bouncing back strong ..... Awesome!

If you are just starting back remember to move into your daily workout or walking slow increasing everyday or at the end of each week. 

You must start strong so you will not crash! 

I thought I had lost it but I could see that by the 3rd day I was back to my normal and increasing daily! 

You can get it done! 

Now lets get moving!

Move those Feet! 

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Don't Panic

Don't Freak Out

I must admit this week has been really challenging for me especially keeping my weight down. 
Due to several reason that comes with life 
First its been really Stressful, although I'm not a stress eater my body like retains water. 
Second, I love being outdoors to get in my physical activities.
to feel the air on my face to smell the morning dew on the grass and see the sun going down in the late afternoon. 
Although, the weather hasn't been in my favor in several weeks giving me one day each week. 

Now I'm bored about being at home and I just don't like the gym. 

I step on the scale and it read I had gain five pounds. I freaked out because for one I knew that I haven't been doing what I usually do and I really haven't dug in hard enough because of the weather. 

I want to encourage you DON'T FREAK OUT!, although it isn't going just like you planned or it wasn't the same way you lost the first twenty-five to fifty pounds last year. 

It is always good practice to change the way you do things in your life especially in weight lose.

I'm now challenging myself to another lifestyle

I'm going to take up cycling because when I started the weight lose journey I was reminded about how I felt when I took a bicycle ride and I thought that was really hard so on next week I will start riding my bicycle and we are going to see those results for a year.
 I will keep you posted on what I shall be in the new challenge 

Monday, March 6, 2017

Staying True to Yourself March 2017

True to Your Commitment 

I'm still making progress, how about you? 

I wasn't aware that I was still making progress until this week. 
I wasn't aware until I tried on a outfit that was tucked away in the back of my closet. 
I had No idea that I could possibly wear this outfit because in the past it was tight on my arms.
Once, I tried it on and the arms were so loose on me I went again to the tape measure to see how many inches I had lost. 

For the sake of this post I'm now a complete 16 in most of my clothing I  No longer need the plus size 16W because even my hips and thighs have shrank. 
I'm so excited because I thought I had lost the battle but I'm winning the War! 

Honestly, I hadn't moved as much because I have been sick or under the weather but I know that now that I'm feeling better I must stay true to my commitment as living a healthier lifestyle. 

Just Keep Moving although you can't see the result at that moment but the Reward is Great! 

The Winning Life Continues Stronger and Better Before! 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...