Friday, August 4, 2017

Back but a challenge

I'm back! 

Let me give you a brief description about my summer!

1. I saw my health care professional and I was asked to give my body a break and allow it to rest. 
2. I obeyed the doctor wishes reluctantly. 
3. I didn't crash and burn to bad with eating habits but I did gain 10 pounds by doing what she asked. 
4. once I saw that I had gained weight I said the break was over and I'm proud to report that I have lost the weight I had gained during the summer and 5 extra. 

I must admit I was really physically tired and I wasn't aware that my journey to a winning life had stressed these muscle and I don't want to hurt myself and have any major set backs. 

I'm Thankful for the break that I had but I'm also aware that I had to really hit it hard for 2 weeks in order to remove the weight. 
I'm happy for the discipline that I have learned over the years.

Come once again as we returning to 
The Winning Life 2017-2018
I'm back! 

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