Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Look whose been hiding


Have you ever tried so hard to do something but it seems like it just didn't turn out right! 
I'm here to tell you that we all have had those problems but now I know of one thing that  I have done it just right. 

My Weight Loss Journey! 
Have I crashed and burned?   Yes I have but I didn't stay there! 
I picked myself up and began to do it all over again! 
I hope everyone hasn't stopped walking! 
I hope everyone if needed a break took the break and now back at it! 

I have realized that this is a Journey and it is a constant struggle 
YOU CAN WIN! ................ YES! ........................YOU CAN WIN! 

Keep on moving your body! if it is dancing, you are moving, if you are walking, you are moving! 

I can't believe I'm in a 16 now and I will be posting pictures yes I will but I continue to move! 

Hopefully one day soon I will send a video of all the important things I like to do outside of walking and riding my bicycle. 

                                                                                                          TO THE WINNING LIFE!  

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