Thursday, February 14, 2019

Holding It Down

Hello My Winning Life Family and Friends,

I'm doing really well and I'm holding it down! Although, the scale is saying 263 I'm maintaining a healthy goal. I'm now down 11 pounds and I feel much better! I'm also on a 12,000 calorie diet plan and I eat more protein than I do carbs. I'm not saying I don't eat them just in moderation for sure. 

I once was told that you really need them but I found out the hard way that I can really live without them, as a matter of fact I gained weight! Now, I believe the moderation more and more. 

I'm so excited that the inches are falling back off and I'm getting back into some of my clothing that I really did enjoy seeing myself in. 

Can you say "I have wiggle room!"

Super excited and I can't wait to show you! 

The New and Improved Winning Life 2019! 

Watch me Work! 

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