Tuesday, February 19, 2019


Last Night cravings was terrible! 

I didn't over do it but heaven knows that I really hated to do it! 

I'm on this 1,200 calorie diet and on yesterday I didn't meet those goals. When I got home it was late and I don't like eating after 6 but for some unknown around 2 AM I was so hungry that I had to get up and feed that craving. I didn't eat much just enough to pull the hunger off my body.  I had a 1/2 of boneless Teriyaki chicken and one small spoon full of progress chicken noodle soup. I drank a bottle of lemon flavored water and I was able to lay down and go back to sleep. 

I don't think I harmed myself to bad seeing that was really light! 

I realized that if you don't eat the proper amount of food that you will result in eating a very late to early snack morning snack. 

Today will be better as far as making sure I eat the proper amount of food. 

I will continue to work out hard like I have in the past couple of weeks but I will not allow my cravings nor not eating enough to tackle me! 

I'm Living 

12 pound down! 

The Winning Life 2019  

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