Sunday, July 14, 2019

It's a No Go!

I'm sure you thought I had given up on weight loss completely but I come to let you know that I haven't and I must say, I have missed telling my story!
My struggle for complete and total success story is coming and trying to overcome some battles within! I wouldn't believe that I have to work twice as hard now to finish getting the weight off and I must admit I wasn't ready mentally for that.
My mental state as of present is positive and can't wait to continue to the next chapter in my weight loss. I'm getting a lot of tips from my husband, my son and others that knows you have to work extra hard to accomplish what I'm trying to do!
I welcome you to come and go with me on this journey and I promise to stick with it and do my very best to conquer my fears and meet my expectation.
I welcome you to cry, and get stronger with each passing minute that you are working on the new you as I work on the new me!
I welcome you to change your diet and see your physician to monitor your success. I welcome you to struggle and feel as though you are not getting lighter but you feel larger. I welcome you to work out twice a day. I welcome you treat yourself and not think that it is all work and no play you can have what you want just in moderation.
I welcome you to have the experience of a lifetime with a lifetime of change and commitment!
The Winning Life on the road to 2020!
I Got this and You do Too let's do it together!
I will see you soon!
The Winning Life on the road to 2020 is in it to Win! 

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