Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Body Pains

I  have hurt myself and I don't know how I did it! 

All, I know I was jumping rope of Monday because the forecast was set for rain that afternoon after work and I don't really like going to the gym because so many people are waiting for equipment so I turn to nature but when nature is not being nice to me I enjoy jumping rope. 

Well, as I was saying I finally came to a place of rest and once I decided to bend this knee of mine just a little more to stand up a sharp pain hit it. I have bathed it in Epsom Salt Alcohol and Ben-gay trying to get everything ready for today. 

It has felt better but I've had to alternate pain medicine today to help me manage so I can stand without pain. 

I'm not stopping just slowing my roll until I can it heals a little better it does feel like I have twisted it but I'm not going to make a bill for this I will wait this one out.

I think I'm going for a slower walk than my usual run today until it heals in its entirety! 

I can't wait to get my protein shakes back started I have missed them but I'm not over eating either. 

I will get to see what tonight hold as far as pain and I will hit you back tomorrow on the 

Winning Life 2K19   

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