Thursday, October 3, 2019


Hello My Winning Life Family and Friends

I'm so excited because this time last year I was knocked off my feet and was in the hospital, eventually sitting at home under doctors orders and feeling the sense that I was losing my quality of life. 

If you have read my earlier post you will read that story but today is about 

~Conquering Life and I'm Celebrating Life!~ 

Today, is October 3, 2019 and I'm better this time than I was last year!

I'm 25 pounds smaller and I'm not just walking but I'm running too! 

I'm so proud of myself, I'm keeping close to those calories of 12,000 and I'm not just watching what I eat but I'm doing it all in moderation! 

As of Sunday September, 29, 2019 I'm officially 243 pounds and I'm on target! 

No, and let me Repeat!!!! NO, I didn't have the surgery and after some training and guidance from my support team members I'm still doing it all natural way. They are very supportive and remember they will stand with me even if I had tried but I called it off because I know that this is much better for me and it is a lifestyle change and I did not get big overnight and I recognize that it is a process that will take time but I'm more than half way my ultimate goal! 

I couldn't be more proud to know that for a whole year standing still and only losing a few pounds and gaining them back or just losing a few inches that I was really close. 

I'm keeping close tabs on the 12,000 calories but most of all I'm staying active more now than I did at first! I can do it and I will continue to do it and you can too! 

The Winning Life 2K20 still standing, still Strong! 

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