Monday, October 14, 2019

Small Accomplishments

I'm super excited because I'm able to see my results of my hard work paying off! 

I haven't stepped on the scale in about a week or so but my clothes are telling me the story. 

I was introduced  to an APP that I was able to get on my phone called C25K!
( remember I'm not a doctor and I'm not telling you to try it and I'm not selling the app but just sharing my information)

I was afraid at first, a little skeptical but I decided that I would give it a try. Once I started in early August I could only run about 2 mph and that is with alternating with a walk 5 minute walk for a duration of 20 minutes. Let me show you what I'm doing now! 

It rained Friday, October 11, 2019 and that Saturday it was really cool and the weather has just been so beautiful and this is what I ended with! Do you see this I went from 2 mph to 5.2 mph and I'm doing this in 90 minutes for intervals of 6.

I'm so Proud of myself and it is working for me, I purchased a dress that I decided to wear and it was a perfect fit! 

I'm well on my way to the Winning Life 2k20! 

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