Tuesday, January 7, 2020

My Exodus Period

Hello Everybody 

If this is your first time reading my blog let me say "Thank-You!" 

Today and its 2020! 

This is My first Official Post of the New Year and I went to go see my Physician and I was so Proud of myself because I stayed focus through the holiday's and I made it without any weight gain as a matter of fact I'm happy to report that I'm 135 pounds smaller and I only have 30 more pounds to my first weight loss goal since the double pneumonia that placed me on strict bed rest and off work for almost a month! 

I can finally see all of my hard work paying off, I have been discouraged throughout the years but I'm finally able to be happy for me.

I no longer allow people that talk negative about my weight loss process! 
I encourage them to get a process going for themselves. 
Most of them have reason why they can't but all I see is more motivation for myself to keep going strong to keep going hard, and harder everyday! 

My Day started with jumping 80 times with my jump rope
While at work I take my jump rope and when the break bell rings I go and jump 30 times for each break! 

I'm moving every 45 minutes and I starting to feel better! 
Once off work, I find the nearest track and I stay there until I finish my
 10,000 or more steps 

I eat really light now that I'm 135 pound lighter with a calorie intake about 1,000 a day if possible. 
I'm still portion controlling and if I crave it I go ahead and have a small bit of it and most of the time that is all it takes is just a bite! ...LOL

I just want to encourage you ....Don't give up! 
It might be hard to stick with it but you are Winning with 
The Winning Life 2k2k

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