Tuesday, January 7, 2020


Hello & Welcome to My Blog: 

If this is your first time hanging out with me let me say "Thank You" 

for taking the time to read, how things are going with my weight loss Journey! 

Today, I'm going to talk about SuPpORT! 

There is no way I could have achieved so much without my Team these people holds me accountable for my action with food, my desires to quit and throw in the towel, and my lack of exercise. 
Your support team will Never go against your WILL!  
They will challenge you, they will motivate you and most of all, when you fail they encourage you to keep going and love you! 

My Team is made up of group of people that includes but not limited to 

My Doctor's, My Husband, My Children, a few friends and most of all ME! 

All of these people play a intricate part of my success so far, my Doctor see's me on a monthly bases to make sure I'm sticking to the plan they have laid out for me concerning calorie intake and burnout calories. Although, I never had weight loss surgery it is best to have someone that assist in your health care needs. 

I'm going to sum up the next group of people is my immediate family, they truly hold me tight and wishes the best for me and I can feel and reciprocate that love right back to them. They tell me the truth regardless if it hurts or not but also Love me enough to explain and motivate me to try harder the next time. Never and I mean Never let me give up! 

Few Friends, and I mean few, remember when I first began, I think I said this in an early post but I'm going to say it again. I had people that influenced some behaviors with my first set of weight loss goals and because of the negative influences and messages I received when I should have dominated the first set of goals I fell short because of it. I did lose a substantial amount of weight but my ultimate goal I fell short and never still to this day haven't made it back there just yet but I'm getting closer everyday. This time around I only surrounded myself around all of the positive people in my life and got rid of the negative people that thought it was something wrong with losing weight and living a healthier and prosperous life. 

Lastly ME! I had to learn to love me and everything about me. I had to love every flaw that I saw, especially in my heart, my mind and my body. I had to realized that the choices I have made throughout my lifetime was all on me and no one else. I'm so proud of where I came from and super proud of where I'm going. 

Today I'm in a much better place, I'm happy, I'm gentle, I'm loving and most of all I'm health and Whole! Nothing better than being Whole and One with yourself! It took several years and now I'm Winning My Life! 

IF you don't remember anything I say today, keep these nuggets: 

Surround yourself with the POSITIVE PEOPLE IN YOUR LIFE! 
BE WHOLE WITH YOURSELF because it is ALL about YOU! 

You only have one life and life without your SUPPORT TEAM is Essentials Without them is No Life at all!

From 400 pounds - to be continue! 

Winning Life 2k20! 

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