Monday, June 13, 2022

Six Months and Counting

 Six Months and Counting 

There comes and time in a person's life that they realized the true definition of weight loss and the journey you will take all your life unless you have weight loss surgery and even with the surgery your life style has to change or it will be for nothing. 

I have decided to go on another adventure through my weight loss process. I realized today that my other blog winninglife2017.blogspot is still fully able to access so if you want to see the younger version and what I did. 

Look for me over on that page. 

Nevertheless, I'm coming on another milestone in my life and I want to ensure that my body, mind and spirit is ready for this next chapter of my life so here are somethings I have realized about myself. 

I was at the peak of my weight loss and several things changed: 

1. I let what others thought of me change the way I looked at weight loss - I forgot it was about me. 

2. The covid-19 virus came to the USA and I stopped doing any exercise in fear that I would get sick and I succumb to staying home and eating whatever I could find. 

Basically, all of the bad habits I had just came back and I went back to being an emotional eater. 

Sometimes life comes in and sucker punches you in the face and some things in life you can't just shake off but I kept fighting. 

I knew I was in trouble when the following things started happening: 

1. I wanted and smoke a few cigarettes.         2. I wanted fountain drinks.  

3. No real food in my diet ...                       

4.  I was eating out more than eating a proper cooked meal at home...

5. I wasn't enjoying life; life was handling me! 

My life changed when I could honestly ask myself the questions Why? and the reasons were in my face. I literally got nausea and sick at my stomach and life became evident. Where had all of the 154 pounds I had lost go and why was life handling me so rough. 

I had to take control of what is most important to me and that is MY HEALTH. 

My Journey has begun and I'm down 5lbs as of today and I can't wait to see how far I can go... 

60 pounds and counting continues... 

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