Monday, June 13, 2022

Slight Difference

  There is a slight change... 

First of all I will admit that I didn't think I had it in me and my mind had to change. 

I didn't want to do this again and I really thought it was useless. The question come 

back up as I would call them "The Doubting Statements!" 

This is going to be hard work, This is going to be harder than the first time, do you 

really have what it takes to be successful this time around. People are going to be 

talking about you again if you get to small and I had to put all those negative 

statements out of my head because it didn't gain me nothing but more time on the 

couch, rocking chair or bed and never moving this body. 

It is going to be a little harder but I have the skills inside of me to get moving and 

changing the way I have eaten since the pandemic. I'm determine and I have seen 

some noticeable changes in how much I eat. 

I have to be a healthier me for me and no one else. 

This is not for fame or glory, nor is it for my spouse nor my children but this is for 

me and this is how I can show them that I care about myself and that I love me 

and that is to get moving and not hanging out with the bad things in my life. 

I have to LIVE and I can't give up... I might fall but I will get up and try again 

tomorrow and the next day!!! 

Keep walking with me as I keep walking for myself!!!

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