Wednesday, January 25, 2023


It is the Fabulous Fifty and Feisty Day and I'm happy the Lord has allowed me to see this day. I have placed these pictures in this time to keep encouraging myself and maybe one day someone else who has struggled their entire life with weight loss. You can do it, if you give up, get back up and keep trying and keep trying. 
from 307 down to 252 = 55 pounds of success. 
YOU GOT THIS!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Weigh In Day

 Weigh In Day 

January 11, 2023

    I have NINE (9) days until my birthday and I have surpassed my goal by 9 -10 pounds. 

As of today I weighed in the morning at 253, I have been between one and two pounds all week and I believe I figured out what I was doing wrong. I have started the 15 mg of Mounjaro and I have felt full most of the day and although I haven't had anything to drink except Karma Water for my stomach health that has probiotic's and it is great but these are some things I must continue to do and here is my list: 

First, I treated myself to a coke zero for a couple of days and I haven't been drinking enough water either. It is the winter months and water hasn't been on my radar but now that I am aware of the issue. I am making a personal pledge to include it in my day. 

Second, I need more exercise in my life... I love jumping on my trampoline, but I need to start walking to the end of my driveway everyday it is not raining to help tone up my body. My legs are showing signs of needing to tone up although they don't look bad but they could look much better than were they are right now!! 

Third, I have already began to shop on the clearance rack at most stores and I LOVE IT!!! 

Things I have noticed I can do now that I could not do at first with the added weight... 

I can walk the stairs without holding on to the handrails, but although I give out of breath but I like the idea that I can do it and I have to keep it up because I need that in my life because it is good for heart health. 

My Life is worth everything and I owe myself the best of the best life I can give it and that is eating right, making healthy choices and taking care of my body!!! 

 I must continue on with the winning life!!! 

Saturday, January 7, 2023

It's a New Year, Better me 💜

I have been working on myself since last year around August maybe September. I saw my doctor and I was able to start on weight loss treatment called mounjaro. I just finished the last of the 12.5 mg of mounjaro this first week of the new year. I took my shots in my leg and I could tell immediately it was doing its job. I have had the following symptoms on this dosage feeling full, I can not overeat, and if I did I would be sick. I did have a regular bowel movement. I have learned or am learning to eat a very small meal about the size of a happy meal and I remain faithful to water and probiotic/wellness water that is good to the last drop.
Here are the latest pictures I have taken close to 6 months into my journey. Now that I have hit my 50-pound weight loss challenge for myself. I am pleased with the results and I will keep going because for my health I need to pursue and go after the ultimate goal.
The Winning Life 2023 is full speed ahead!

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...