Monday, February 27, 2023


Things have changed slightly with my journey, the last time I blogged I believe I shared that I was at the peak of things being okay and I was on 15 mg of Mounjaro. Unfortunately, I hit a brick wall because the insurance I had at first no longer would take my prescription card of $25.00 for the monthly injection.  I must admit that I had a good run and I'm not even upset about it and I was blessed to have it as long as I had it because truthfully I probably never should have been receiving it in the first place. 

August or September when I began this journey and I changed jobs at the same time I started, No one got the memo that I no longer had health insurance or prescription coverage. I didn't know at the time that a well known drug store was still using the card on file and it was active. The previous job didn't take me off or out the system so it kept on working as usual and nothing in my world so I knew was wrong. I must admit I was blessed for 6 months to be on Mounjaro and it was worth it!  

I have lost over 60 pounds and I am loving the new me!!!! 

Today, Friday February 24, 2023, I have been changed over to Wegovy which is a semaglutide that has been FDA approved for weight loss and because I have been on 15 mg of Mounjaro I have started on 1 mg of the new medication to ensure my slow progression of the medication. They are putting me on this dosage so I will be able to tolerate the change. I'm going to have to do more research but for now I'm going to trust my physician and see where this goes.  

I will keep you posted on the life that continues to win!!!! 

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