Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Process Continues

I'm in my seventh month and I was met with some issues getting my prescription refilled with the 15mg of Mounjaro and if I paid close to $1,000 it would be filled. I don't have any insurance any more and I can't afford it. I also can't get any private insurance at this time because my income is too high and I wasn't able to get it refilled. I was able to speak with my physician and I will start in several weeks on a different form until this issue is resolved with Mounjaro. I gave myself my last shot of the 15mg Mounjaro on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, and I haven't had any issues with this dosage. Today February 5, I tried on a shirt that my boss gave me several weeks ago and I'm glad to announce it fit very well the arms are even loose so I count it as another WIN!!!
I have lost more inches this week so far and 2pounds. I am concerned about the 2 weeks I will not have any medication I believe in my system but my physician explained to me there is enough in my system to keep me until I can be seen. I believe I have the willpower to make this a welcoming because I can't eat because my stomach has shrunk.
Here is to a pause but also sustainability 
    ~My latest Picture February 5, 2023~ 

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