Monday, August 14, 2023

New Leg of the Journey

 Next Leg of the Journey 

I made a promise to myself, and I guess you would like to know what that promise is? 

If I lost 100 pounds that I would do more things to enhance my facial features ...

I have decided to have my eye brows shaded, I have always desired to have pretty eye brows but unfortunately after many waxes, and putting a straight edge to them I believe the wax took the most damage to them. I have tried growing them out to were I looked a hot wooley mess. 
Today, I have taken the leap to doing something about them...
 Numbing that I didn't think I needed because I have have several tattoos and I thought this process was not necessary but I was glad that it was offered... 

Mapping out the brows to get that desired look that you would like to see 

This is the face of success and I love them ... 
I have a little of swelling after this procedure  but this was a great experience I will do it again if needed but I don't believe I will need them ... 

The Winning Life Continues and I'm Winning the Life!!!! 


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