Thursday, August 31, 2023

Over The Top

 Over the Top

My enthusiasm is just over the moon, I received an email this morning from someone who has been following me for a very long time and I was celebrating him for his next level of accomplishment and I couldn't be more proud of him. 

At the end of the text, I closed our conversation by saying to him and saying to you my readers


Many people have sewed seeds of negativity into my life and they sought out to destroy my motivation but I refuse to allow that to happen to me. 

I no longer allow that to happen to me; I do this for me and you can do this for you! 

I might have an attitude now but that is because I know my worth. I might had to eat a lot of things in the past but it made me better prepared for the future that I have now. 

I have even had an intervention with my own family because they couldn't deal with the woman, wife, mother, sister, and friend that I have become and that is okay. They still support me and I'm pleased about it, they help me navigate the others that come after me to tell me what they think although, they are up to NO Good. I think the somewhere I read, that people come to sift you as wheat. 

I command and take control over all things that come to challenge me on this journey, I will continue to win because I will never give up until I've completed this journey.

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