Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Family 2024


Today is January 9, 2024

 I can't believe that we are already close to double digits this month. January has always been extra special to me because it is my birth month, not just for me but for all of my immediate family members. 

My father leads us off as if he should, then I'm next, my mother, and last but not least, my identical twin brothers. This mixture of the family has always made me feel as if we have a connection that is and has been identified in my life as extraordinary and special because I believe in my heart that we have a connection that is closer than many because God saw fit for us to all share this month as a true celebration of life, love, and happiness. 

If someone reading this thinks I wouldn't talk about the ups and downs and the great moments in life that we have shared and think it is all peaches and cream, then you are sadly mistaken, but through it all, we are blessed to be close and strong as a family. 

Many families don't have what we have, and I thank the Lord. God has seen us through many of those trials, and it didn't destroy us as a family. 

I pray a special blessing over our family today with the words of one of my favorite scriptures. 

Numbers 6:24-26 NKJV 

"The Lord bless you and keep you;

The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; 

The Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace."

Happy Birthday, Family, 

I love each of you and wish nothing but the absolute best for each of you!!

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