Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Many More

Today (9), Nine Years ago, I joined ...

My life was so different back then and was so unstable, and I needed someone to hold me accountable for the choices I was making.  

Don't get it twisted; I was working on me even back then. I was looking for someone who was whole and complete, not knowing that life is not always that way. 

I can't believe that on this day nine years ago, you decided to make me your wife, knowing I wasn't perfect. I had and continue to have many flaws, but I strive to make a difference in my everyday journey. 

I know you are not perfect, but you are so special to me, and I couldn't do this life without you!  

I only have a little to say in this post cause there is much more I could tell, but it would take more time than what I have today. 

Here's to Life...

Here's to Love...

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