Friday, November 11, 2016

Here's to Change

I decided to create this blog to remind myself and encourage others that struggle with weight loss. 
You can Make it if you NEVER QUIT! 

I know it is a constant struggle for those like myself to stay motivated at times but now I think something inside has clicked and now I'm living a life that wins!  

Here I am 2016 at my heaviest of 315 lbs. 

Let's go on a Weight Loss Journey together just me and you! 
First things first go to a physician and get a overall health check up! 
I know you don't want to go but for the Winning Life it is a must.
 We don't want to have any hidden things going on with our bodies that will cause us not to be successful. 
I'm going to ask question such as, What are the correct types of foods to eat and a exercise plan to help me get started.  Can't wait to get started along with you with 
The Winning Life. 
See you next time! 

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  1. I encourage everyone that reads this blog to leave a comment.
    Thanks Have a Great Day!


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