Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

The Thanksgiving After

Getting back in the swing of things after a major holiday can be a hard thing to do. 
Especially, if you are like most people that receive a whole week for the holiday. 
The Turkey is still holding on to its last effects to your mind and body.

1. Start Slow - Do Not Stress to the Ultimate Goal.
Allow your mind and body time to catch back up, go slow! 
If you were doing five miles cut back to two and a half miles the first week.
If you see you are having withdrawals from the lack of walking. 
Allow yourself one and a half mile for the first three days and increase your steps everyday until you are back up to your Ultimate Goal in miles. 

2. Eat Your Recommended Amount of Food for your Weight and Portion Control
During this time of the year most people tend to binge eat because you have been around 
family, friends, or this is the time you have loss loved ones and missing them causes you to eat more.
You are not alone! 
Continue to take your time to eat your meals and have your 2 small and nutrient snacks. 

3. Enjoy - The time you have stay on top of your Goals! 
Make sure you are enjoying everything that is going on with you! 
If you are part of some aerobic and exercise clubs or gyms, Enjoy the that time you have 
with others that is also celebrating the same thing you are...


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