Monday, November 5, 2018


FOR 2019! 

October 1, 2018  I had a cardiac episode!  Yes, that is correct I had a issue with my heart! But I give God the Glory and ALL the PRAISE! 

I didn't see that coming at all but I hadn't manage my stress in my life correctly especially during the end of the school year and all of the summer. I didn't go walking because I had went through a period of uncertainty and had a lot of question about something that devastated me and it rocked me to my core! 

I'm 100% better with Therapy and now I have a better focus on what is really going on and I'm not afraid of talking about my feelings or my emotions that caused me to be knocked off my feet! 

Okay, What does that mean for 2019? It Means that I'm strong enough to get back in the game. I heard from a Retired WNBA Marie Ferdinand -Harris in an alternative conference workshop she said, "When you are sitting on the bench that your head should always be in the game!"  That message was so profound to me and she was so correct. 

I had allowed the distraction of what life brought me to get my head out of the game, Although right now I'm weighing roughly 264 pounds, and I have gained about 40 pounds of my lowest weight loss, I have made myself a promise to get back down with a projected date of May. 

I have also considered weight loss surgery because I need to keep this off and my support system is being very supportive so I hope while I'm waiting that I can do this by March and I will be all the way down my target weight loss by the summer! 

I have to get under 200 pounds! 

You are going on the Journey with Me Once again! 

The Winning Life is Back! 

Wish Me Luck! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2018



I'm trying to keep my weight off!
Although recently I've found myself
Doing some of the BAD things I use to do!
Example coming home from work refresh for the evening
And staying in my room the rest of the day!

I must admit, eating in my room is such a pleasure
But it helps you put the weight back on!

I'm moving but not everyday
MY overall weight now is
254 pounds!!!!

I got to get motivated but my mind is having problems!
My Body is not wanting to move!!!
Motivation, I need it!

Wednesday, May 23, 2018


Summer Plans

Hello My Winning Life Friends 

As you can see I'm still holding down the weight
but I do have goals and I think it is important to hold on to your goals even through the summer. 

1. I have enrolled in a summer water aerobics program. 
I love the water because it is easy on my joints and it isn't as hard as some of the other exercises that I have been a part of.

2. I have and will continue now to walk a little more! Yes, I must admit I did slow down some and I have gained some weight but no more than 10 pounds. 

3. I'm watching my portions sizes and staying away from the soda's and carbonated drinks and going to stick with water and maybe an occasional  Popsicle. 


I hope you go on this journey with me and I will keep you posted on the winning life. 

I'm still determine to LIVE
With the Winning Life

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Heart Healthy

Today, was really special day!
We had a health care team of professional
That came and checked our health!
I'm Glad to report that now 3 years later I'm Maintaining!

This year 2018 has started out really slow
but let me share this news with you!
If it's cold outside turn to YouTube and find
Yourself a good American Heart Association
Video and GET MOVING!


Friday, March 23, 2018

I'm set Free!

Although, I believe now that all things are possible!
I have finally gave up all my past hurts and my feelings
Of rejection.
I'm free from the negative thoughts
I'm free from those that talked about me in my face, behind my back.
I'm free from those that even thought I could not achieve this great accomplishments!
I'm free!
I'm free from depression, aggravation,
I'm free from the addiction of Food!
I'm no longer emotional because I'm free!

Food without exercise thought it had me but the
winning life in me spoke and told me to live!

I'm free, now what is your excuse!
Become free and stay FREE!

Thursday, March 8, 2018


I have decided to change the way I've done things in the past.
My new thing is to Run ... I've finally put my trust back in myself
A little more. I've been really afraid but I believe I can do this
Wish me luck.... I have to loose this last 50 pounds.
I told you in past blogs I gained about 20 to 30 pounds because I got sick so now I check in with a beginning weight of of 250 pounds.
I haven't given up on my ultimate Goal and I'm so close but I have to                         Ramp it up a little more so
YES! ... I'm counting calories,YES! ... I've added weights to help with excess skin and YES! ...when it stops raining and gets warmer riding my bicycle.... I'm loving me in 2019                              
       The Winning Life is for ME!

Monday, March 5, 2018

I'm on the winning side

I'm doing it again
I've been through the checklist
I've been to the Doctor
I've revised my pantry
I've taken out the sweets
And ALL carbonated drink!

I have my 5 miles in check
And now I've added light weight lifting!
I can say I have lost 6 pounds
I'm Excited!
I'm living The Winning Life 2018

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Health Check

Health Check 

Hey Everyone it me the Winning Lifer of 2018!
I want to let you know to keep moving although its not much but keep moving. 

I went to see my health care professional and I'm still doing great although I hit the stall but I'm doing great. 

I have lost 10 pounds since the last post but I'm still reserved about it because it is still cold and I don't do well when it is cold because I like going outside to work out. 

I've been finding myself walking around on my job a little more but it is nothing like that beauty of the outdoors. 

I just want to keep you encourage to keep it moving and don't give up! 

The Winning Life 2018 is on the Move! 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Standing Still -- I have Stalled Out

Stalled Out

I haven't posted in awhile because I really didn't know how to explain the Stall or the Sudden Stop in my weight loss journey. 

I recently had double pneumonia that caused me to receive lung treatment and steroids and of course I gained weight. 
I didn't gain were it was noticeable but to me I could see it! 

I gained 20 pounds because of medication!

I'm back at it pushing harder everyday to get it down! 

I have a new goal set that I'm sure hope I see some good results....they also have the biggest loser on my job but unfortunately, I refuse to join because I'm going at my own pace and I'm not paying anything if I gain or just stand still, I have to do this at my own pace. 

Long Lesson Learned, it works better when it's at your pace and your level of endurance.
Money shouldn't influence you to loose weight! 

Remember Healthy Choices is the Key 
The Winning Life of 2018 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...