Sunday, September 11, 2022

Working On Me 2022

In several months with God's blessing I will be celebrating 50 years of life. No it hasn't been easy and I've had some health concerns and challenges along the way but God has been good to me!!!
I have been on many weight loss journey's and have done very well to loss over 100 pounds. We have had what has been call a dreadful virus called COVID that has taken so many people from this world to the next. I'm thanking God that I wasn't one that wasn't taken and I have another opportunity for life.
That being said I want to be better. I want to be healthier once again. I want to feel good when I wake up and I want to have lots of energy and I had that before the Virus came and now I'm doing something about it ...
Follow me once again to the winning life 2022 into 2023 and let's see where we will be in the end....I'm still working on me ...
The winning life 2022...

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