Sunday, September 11, 2022

How I'm doing

Disclaimer....I'm NOT doctor...just sharing my journey with you!! 

If this is something you want to try please go and seek medical advice...

I started taking Mounjaro August 26, 2022 and after much research and speaking with my physician we thought this would be a great way outside of surgery to help me get the weight off. Post COVID and for the betterment of my health. What is Mounjaro is a new weight loss drug that helps your pancreas to break down your food better and it also makes you feel full with also working on your mind not to over eat...I was taught by my physician how it works because I have to give myself a shot in the recommended areas on my body. I'm on my third shot at a dose of 2.5mg and I must admit I'm not eating as much and I also try and eat as much protein as I can because once you are full you are full and you can't eat anymore for the day. I'm drinking lots of water because I'm thirsty but not overly. I am eating lots of fruit because it helps to sustain me when I'm hungry but can only eat a bit or two...recently I have fallen in love with pudding because it is only 100 calories and it is healthy for me when I can't eat solid foods. I truly feel as if I have gotten a gastric bypass or sleeve surgery. I only have a small window where I can eat and if I over eat my stomach will let me know or I will get nauseous, so I watch it.
I have a doctors appointment coming up September 13. I know I'm already losing weight those that know what's going on can see small changes. lastly, I heard from the doctor and she told me I had already loss 4 pounds and that was in the first week. I'm working on me...
The winning life 2022...
Fat Face Photo taken July 2022...

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