Thursday, September 29, 2022

2 Month Check-in

Weight Loss Journey Check-In

 September 29, 2022 

I decided to check-in because it has been over a week since I check-in and I want to know what is going on with me... I'm not sure how many times I will come in and share with you my weight but just know I'm keeping up with me!!! 

I took my second shot on 5mg of Mounjaro today and I have been asked by my doctor to weigh in on those days. 

Today, I weighed in at 282 and I'm not sure how much I have lost but I can tell the difference in my clothing and they are just falling off like the fall leaves. 

I'm very proud of myself and keeping up with things... 

My eating habits are really down and I have been mostly eating fruits, water and protein shakes. 

I have tasted some veggies and they have a great taste and I'm okay...

I have had some problems with my BM being kind a hard but it was not to bad. I've had to increase the water intake more and that is a plus for me and my skin complexion. I've learned not to over eat and not to eat to get full but to kill maybe the hunger pains if any. 

I can't wait to see my doctor in the middle of the month of October to see how much I have lost but I'm sure I will not disappoint once again. 

14/15 pounds last month anticipating the same results coming up!!! 

See you Soon,  The Winning Life Continues!!! 

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