Thursday, October 13, 2022

3 Month and counting...

10/13/2022, I had my 3-month check-in... Although, I took the last of my 5mg shot this morning. I had a follow-up, and I was 8 more pounds smaller for a grand total of 22 pounds of weight loss on Mounjaro. I'm having issues of drinking the recommended amounts of water but of course who doesn't. I started my protein shakes and trying to figure out how much to eat without over eating is still a struggle but I'm maintaining so I want get constipated. My blood pressure this visit was a little high, but I'm to keep it monitoring it. When I got home I took 2 Tylenol and went to sleep and I feel much better I will check it tomorrow and I'm sure it will be better. Being on Mounjaro is almost as if I had the lap band surgery but better. I hope this treatment never ends for people who would like this alternative....
I'm still working on me, and I will start some weight training coming up because I want to look even better by January...
 .                   Now and July 2022 
In the words of my husband that I love dearly...I see less of you!!!!
                                         The winning life 2k22 

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