Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Things are Changing

The Slight Change 

I have been on my New50 weight loss journey and there are some changes that I have noticed about myself. 

First, I have noticed once again that with a much smaller bathroom than the one we had a first it is easier to get in and out the bathroom. 

Second, change is I'm able to get back in my older smaller clothes that I couldn't get in during the pandemic and post pandemic. 

Thirdly, I noticed in our new home we have stairs and I used to hold the banister but now I don't have to hold it anymore and the climb is so much better. I actually like walking them. 

I have noticed on the 7.5 that I'm eating less and making better choices and drinking lots of water. I have not gotten really sick on this dose because I have learned or should I say I'm learning how to eat less and be happy with the choices I make throughout the day! 

I'm very proud of myself not sure if I have loss any weight because this is just the first week with the new dose but if it changes I will let you know. 

The highlight of this day is that I spoke with my cousin from St. Louis and she informed me that she can tell from pictures posted on social media that I'm losing weight and I couldn't be more pleased and happy to hear that Great News!!! 

New 50 Challenge because I have a new outlook on my Weight Loss Journey!! 

I'll Keep You Posted, See You Next Time!!! 


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