Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Side Affects of You

Side Affects of You

    This is my official 1st week on Wegovy and it is different from being on Mounjaro! 

In my mind I was under the impression that it would be the same with the same side affects but it is some slight differences that I have seen since I began. 

The first things I noticed that I also had with Mounjaro that I had more frequently is that   burping. I burp more since getting the injection than I had with Mounjaro. 

The second thing I noticed is if I eat any kind of carb I feel really bad. I'm not sure if it is because of the sugars that the carbs send to your body that is making me feel the way I do but if that is a way for me not to have sugar, heck it is working. 

I was asked by my physician to take it slow and I'm doing just that after how I feel on 1 mg of Wegovy. I don't care for these side affects but I'm dealing with them. However, I must keep in mind that I am almost to the ultimate goal. 

My body is looking different and I am getting into clothes that I have had for years and I can finally get in them. I'm very excited and I can't wait to show you one of those outfits and the ones I'm in now that I haven't been in since the pandemic. 

My journey is going strong and I'm not looking back, 

My future is bright and I'm wearing shades!!!

I haven't taken a picture of what I look like from when I started several months ago but I will post one in the near future. 


Monday, February 27, 2023


Things have changed slightly with my journey, the last time I blogged I believe I shared that I was at the peak of things being okay and I was on 15 mg of Mounjaro. Unfortunately, I hit a brick wall because the insurance I had at first no longer would take my prescription card of $25.00 for the monthly injection.  I must admit that I had a good run and I'm not even upset about it and I was blessed to have it as long as I had it because truthfully I probably never should have been receiving it in the first place. 

August or September when I began this journey and I changed jobs at the same time I started, No one got the memo that I no longer had health insurance or prescription coverage. I didn't know at the time that a well known drug store was still using the card on file and it was active. The previous job didn't take me off or out the system so it kept on working as usual and nothing in my world so I knew was wrong. I must admit I was blessed for 6 months to be on Mounjaro and it was worth it!  

I have lost over 60 pounds and I am loving the new me!!!! 

Today, Friday February 24, 2023, I have been changed over to Wegovy which is a semaglutide that has been FDA approved for weight loss and because I have been on 15 mg of Mounjaro I have started on 1 mg of the new medication to ensure my slow progression of the medication. They are putting me on this dosage so I will be able to tolerate the change. I'm going to have to do more research but for now I'm going to trust my physician and see where this goes.  

I will keep you posted on the life that continues to win!!!! 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

New Days

This week was the first week without my shot and I can tell the difference.
1. I believe I'm sabotaging myself, why do you say that I'm not hungry but I find myself eating things I have not wanted in several months?
2. I'm not eating enough protein and vegetables. I have had several days that included fried foods, chips, and cupcakes. I said well, it's super bowl weekend and Sunday and I can do it this once for a greater reward. I guess this is okay but I'm full and I will not be doing this anymore. I gotta make sure I make better choices all this week and I'm praying for a bowel movement this week cause my head has been hurting and although I am eating prunes it hasn't produced anything but gas. 
3. I believe God got me and I will keep doing my part to the best of my ability I believe he is going to direct me. 
4. I will be back on track in a couple of weeks...
                      I'm winning my life back

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Process Continues

I'm in my seventh month and I was met with some issues getting my prescription refilled with the 15mg of Mounjaro and if I paid close to $1,000 it would be filled. I don't have any insurance any more and I can't afford it. I also can't get any private insurance at this time because my income is too high and I wasn't able to get it refilled. I was able to speak with my physician and I will start in several weeks on a different form until this issue is resolved with Mounjaro. I gave myself my last shot of the 15mg Mounjaro on Wednesday, February 1, 2023, and I haven't had any issues with this dosage. Today February 5, I tried on a shirt that my boss gave me several weeks ago and I'm glad to announce it fit very well the arms are even loose so I count it as another WIN!!!
I have lost more inches this week so far and 2pounds. I am concerned about the 2 weeks I will not have any medication I believe in my system but my physician explained to me there is enough in my system to keep me until I can be seen. I believe I have the willpower to make this a welcoming because I can't eat because my stomach has shrunk.
Here is to a pause but also sustainability 
    ~My latest Picture February 5, 2023~ 

Special Accolades

Plan to be sick of me since I'm back...  I am still very proud of my accomplishments and what I have achieved but  Doing life without th...