Thursday, March 23, 2023



Sometimes in life, you think about not completing the task because you can see a major difference in the way you feel. You think because you are doing great and feeling well, you have arrived when in fact you are really at the beginning.  

I was afraid to try Wegovy but I have been on it now for one month and I have continued to loose weight. I went to see my doctor for my monthly follow-up and I have loss in one month 10 more additional pounds and I'm super excited. 

March 22, 2023, I weighed-in at 243 and now I'm down under 250, I started my new dose at 1.7 mg of Wegovy. I can tell this month will be different because I'm already full. Today, I have been on this dosage for one complete day and I have not be eating as much as I thought, my intake is close to 1,000 calories, and my carb intake has been little to nothing. 

I do eat healthy and have a balance meal full of high proteins. although, it is hard at times to eat full carbs without getting sick but my father reassures me, I'm on the right track. 

He only eat meats and vegetables with "NO Bread" He weighs about 180-190 if he weighs 200 pounds he immediately cut out his bread intake. My father is 74 years of age, his height is 6'0" and looks as if he is 60 plus years old. 😂

 This starts a new chapter because I can see my new goal coming closer into view. I am even starting to think about my ending weight loss goal and how I will maintain it once I complete the journey. 

(I'm not getting the cart before the horse, just thinking) 

The American Heart Association would like for a woman my height to weigh-in at an average of 168 or less to be consider heart healthy. This includes your BMI is under 25. 

I can vaguely remember weighing 168 pounds when I was a teenager but never as an adult. I'm not even sure at this time that I want to be this small but I am sure that I want to be closer to 180. 

Most might think it's to small for my height but it's a great size for me. 

Remember, it is not what people think about you, 

You deserve the Best You and this is without the Negativity!!

Here's to Marching into Spring 10 pounds smaller...

The Life that continues to Win!!! 


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