Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Three Little Words

Three Little Words 

I was going to wait until St. Patrick's Day to write this post but why should I wait. You have waited most of your life for things to go well for you and you do not always have to wait. 

I just wanted to take the time today and to let the world know three little words: 

Life has been harsh and you have overcome so many obstacles in your life and now being 50 and a few months you have seen just how much the struggle of weight loss has really been in your life. Lord, you have been so good to me 

First Thank You for loving me when I did not know to love myself
When I was depressed, you still loved me
When I thought I didn't have any friends, you still loved me
When I was losing people that was a branch in my life, you still loved me
When people came into my life that didn't mean me any good 
When illness came and attacked my body, you still loved me

Today, I love me... 
Today, I cherish everything I have been through to help me get to where I am today!! 

I am who I am today because You knew what was best for me!!!

In the words of  Fantasia, 

"It was Necessary" 


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