Wednesday, March 29, 2023

The Disappointment


I can't believe today 8 months into my journey and I gained 3 pounds. My doctor was not disappointed but was happy to see how well I took the news. I am still making progress and now I now what I need to do to make this work. 

I knew it was coming because for the past few days I had not eaten properly. I had cravings of sweets and that is not like me and I didn't get sick. I am still under 250 pounds but I got to stick to the plan. 

Many people on social media that don't have health issues stated has stated they want to get on the shot because they see everyone else getting on it, but what people don't realize is that most of the people on the shot are fighting for their lives everyday and has had a constant battle with their weight from the beginning. 

If you think people like taking shots to be healthy you are sadly mistaken. I'm tired of people and their myths this is a disease and I'm taking it seriously because I had Many, Many health factors that forced my physician to place me on Wegovy. 

I'm not knocking the little person that thinks they need help losing weight but think about the morbid obese person that is having many challenges before you go taking this medication. 

We didn't choose this life, this life was given to us! 

We didn't stuff food in our mouths and ate in excess! 

most were born in this life of food... We were told to clean our plates because our parents were poor and maybe that meal was going to be the only meal we were going to receive and it was a hardy meal. 

most were born in this life of food... We were taught how to prepare high fatty, fried foods, with lots of breads to accompany the meal. Foods with plenty of pasta's because that was all the family could afford. 

most were born in this life of food... in low poverty areas were there was nothing but fast foods and it was cheaper to eat out than to eat in for a home-cooked meal. 

most were born in this life of food because parents fought everyday and food was the comfort that siblings could find because of lifestyle. 

Whatever drove them to the life of food remember this addiction was started from something traumatic in that persons life. 

Let us not be judgmental of those that is trying to get it together.  

I have to continue to tell the inner me the following...

I am Pretty...

I am going to be okay...

God has me...

don't allow others to speak negativity into my life...

don't hold myself hostage to my past...

I will make it to complete my journey ...                              (in every area of my life)

I will not self sabotage yourself... 

I am ENOUGH!!! 

This might not mean much to you but it means everything to me. I affirm myself, because when I look to the world and to others they didn't love me back, so excuse me if I feel this way concerning other people and their treatment to FAT and Obese people because it is an insult to think WE Don't Try!!! 

The life that continues to Win... 

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