Monday, April 10, 2023

Seeking Help And Responsibility Early (SHARE)


   This blog is helping me stay accountable to myself... 

    I have been on this journey for a long time and it has not been a easy fix but it has been rewarding. I have had many obstacles and many frustration but I am overcoming them everyday. 

    Today, April 10, 2023, I'm going to share with you what I did to get back on track. If you read my last post I was aggravated that I gained 6 pounds of weight back and I did it to myself without any regard to thinking this would happen. I took charge the following week and I am pleased to announce that I have lost those 6 pounds and I'm one pound less than what I had previously. I am so proud of myself because I was able to spot the issue which was drinking to many sips of soda within the week. Although, it was only 4 ounces but that was to many 4 ounces within that week. 

In the past I would have just given up but I did not and that speaks volumes for me!!! 

I would have allowed food to just stop me in my tracks, throw up my hands and succumb and just revert back to what I was doing. I am glad that I know the tricks, my mind has to line up with what my desires are and finally they are doing it!!  

This is the life that continues to win, It's almost another month and I'm making big accomplishment because that is what is necessary for me to complete this journey. 

I'm not sure what my end game will be just yet, but I'm looking at pictures and I'm starting to like what I see, I will keep you posted on what the end of this journey will look like but I'm sure of one thing... 

I love seeing the New Me!!!!  

Seek Help And Responsibility Early

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